SAF Church Locations
Our locations are intended to expand the options for attending Sunday services.
Most activities are still centered at our main campus.
Most activities are still centered at our main campus.

Main Campus
10715 West Ave. SATX 78213
This is our main campus, the home and center of San Antonio First Church. We offer on campus/in-person church services, classes, small groups, and more. This offers the larger corporate worship experience which is live streamed to our other locations.
Our setting is mostly casual, with a modern worship liturgy. We begin our services with a message and end with a time of worship music. Enjoy our park, playground and picnic areas!
Our setting is mostly casual, with a modern worship liturgy. We begin our services with a message and end with a time of worship music. Enjoy our park, playground and picnic areas!

Dove Creek
The Dove Creek House Church is in the Seaworld area. House churches are not small groups. They are SAF locations that offer a more intimate setting for attending corporate worship. They stream the main worship, however the service may differ slightly. For those wishing to participate in programs such as youth, teens, and small groups, you are invited to come to the main campus or participate virtually in our online campus where available.

SAF Church Online
We offer a virtual campus, streaming our services to FB and YT, and offering virtual attendance for many of our classes and small groups through Zoom. Join the WhatsApp group for ongoing chat! An online pastor will be chatting and receiving questions and facilitating discussion throughout the service. We are invested in our online members! Be as connected as much as you like. The online campus lets us gather from anywhere!