San Antonio First Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services in person or online. Dive into the content and resources we offer. We are here to support you in your next faith step.
What To Expect
70 minute service
Our services are currently a 60-minute format. Doors to the sanctuary open 30 minutes prior to the service. We encourage enjoying the coffee area and lobby prior to service. We offer Sunday morning classes at 9:30am for all ages!
accepting atmosphere
All walks of life attend SAF! You will see some in their Sunday best and others in their Saturday comfort. We encourage everyone to come as they are and as they feel comfortable. We have an easy atmosphere on a natural and calming campus.
casual teaching style
Ps. Matt's teaching style is casual, crafted to be beneficial for anyone to hear. Sermon notes are available on the app. Scriptures used in the message is printed in the notes and available on the app. No prior knowledge is necessary to receive something good from the messages.
Music at SAF is inclusive, ranging from folksy, to older hymns, to modern worship music. We have a diverse worship team, with our oldest member 76yrs and youngest 15yrs. Our goal is lead worship so that anyone can either sing along or enjoy sitting and listening.
How to Engage
Attending Sunday, whether online, in person, or on demand is great. We obviously encourage it! But, it's not the only method of worship expression or growth. In fact, we also highly recommend it be only one part of your faith walk. Here are some ways to be intentional in your faith that are not attending Sunday services:

A lot of faith is lived out when no one is looking. We offer resources to help you grow personally. If you don't know what type of personal faith development plan (aka "what to read next"), then we are available to listen to your story and suggest the right next step. Our spiritual journey doesn't end, or start, when we are at the church. We want to support your journey!
Saf.Church Pod - listen to Pastor Matt's Crossing Paths in which he interviewed someone from his life and asked the question, " did God bring us together."
Small groups are a great way to start meeting people who can add insight, support, and encourage you on your journey. Plus, it's a great way to have fun and make friends. We meet on Wednesday evenings for dinner and groups. There is something for ALL AGES! Childcare with SAF Kids, youth with 210 Youth, and adult ministries.